Berrylicious Vegan Blueberry Oat Pancakes (VG, GF)

Berrylicious pancakes that are dairy free, gluten free, oil free & refined sugar free (don’t worry they’re not going to taste like cardboard ahahaha).

Basically I used my classic oat pancake recipe and added fresh blueberries ahahahaha (why change a classic?) 😜

Note that you need to use FRESH BLUEBERRIES; big & juicy ones for the best texture & flavour!

Since the fresh blueberries are warmed up during the cooking process, their juices BURST as you bite into the warm pancake MHMMMM!! 👅 💦

Enjoy with a generous serving of pure maple syrup/rice malt syrup/agave syrup (oh gosh I’m salivating again…😆 ).

Be warned, your plate will be stained purple after you polish off these pancakes! 💙 💜

img_0011img_00082blueberrypancake1blueberrypancakeSimplicity: 4/5     Deliciousness: 4/5     Nutrition: 3.5/5

Makes 1 Serving/8 Pancakes (Approx.)


  • 1 ½ cups gluten free oats
  • 1 banana (fresh or frozen – it doesn’t matter)
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup plant based milk
  • 3/4 cup fresh blueberries


  1. Pour the oats into a blender and process until it becomes a fine powder. This is oat flour.
  2. Slice the banana and add to the blender. Add the remaining ingredients too
  3. Blend until well combined. The pancake batter should be smooth but slightly thick – if it is too runny, the pancakes will not be round in shape
  4. Add ½ of the blueberries you have to the pancake batter and gently cover with some batter.
  5. Heat up a non stick pan on low-medium heat
  6. Once the pan is hot, pour your pancake batter into circular shapes – try to pour the blueberries in the centre of the pancake (avoid the edges basically) or use a spoon to do so.
  7. Turn the heat to low and place a lid over your pan
  8. When you see the top of the pancakes are completely or almost matte/cooked, flip them. Put the lid back on for 1 minute.
  9. Remove them from the pan onto a plate.
  10. Add the remaining blueberries when most of the first half have been used. Gently stir them through the batter.
  11. Repeat steps 6 – 9 until all the batter is used. Remember to clean the pan (with a paper towel or tissue) after each round as there will be blueberry residue (it will burn/blacken if not cleaned!).
  12. Top the pancakes with your choice of toppings/syrup/sauce.
  13. ENJOY!!


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